Stop Sending Hate

Mental Illness Talk

Okay let’s go back to basics, our first days of primary school we were told the school rules and the two I will probably always remember were, “Treat others the way you wish to be treated” and “If you don’t have anything nice to say then say nothing at all” and perhaps the latter should be a life rule, or at the very least an internet rule. I’m going to ignore “Treat others the way you wish to be treated” because I don’t think many of us are very kind to ourselves these days and I don’t think people who send hate over the internet have much self-respect or self-esteem and they probably don’t value themselves very highly.

I am not someone who has received a lot of hate, in fact it is pretty rare but that’s why I feel it is even more important to talk about it. I…

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Bullying Stories

I am creating an Awareness Raising Project for my HLTH 408-General School Safety class and I am wanting to create this blog. I want to use this blog as a way to make people come together and talk about their own personal stories on bullying and to show that there are people out there who care and have been what you have been through. You are never alone in this!

You’re-never-alone.-Just-know-there’s-always-at-least-one (1)